corporate raider
- n.公司掠夺者(经常强行大量购买其他公司股份的个人或公司,以对其加以控制或高价出售赢利)

Investors including corporate raider Carl Icahn , fund manager Michael Price , the J.
The government didn 't go on this spree because it is a corporate raider in the Icahn mold ;
The move to create two separate publicly traded companies comes after months of agitation from disgruntled investors led by corporate raider Carl Icahn .
Ruthless Corporate Raider will be stymied , go home , curl up on the floor of his shower and weep .
He said stress was to blame , but with hindsight the timing appears an odd coincidence – particularly given that the corporate raider Carl Icahn made a similar move this spring .
Even tycoons who are not in President Barack Obama 's camp have moved into alternative energy , none more so than T Boone Pickens , oil explorer , corporate raider and a Texan Republican to his core .